Just a heads-up to new updates to our various profiles.

More updates to our Profiles, which you can see below. There are other tweaks, of course, but these are the main ones, especially the Big Five Elephant Series II, which for some reason or another, we failed to cover at the time. That’s now been rectified.

There will be more updates to come, and do need to refresh the Clovis profile, which is looking seriously dated now, but the Monnaie de Paris aren’t the most responsive of mints, sadly, so better images are hard to come by. We’ll continue to try as this is one of my own personal favourite series.

As for normal stuff, we’ll have a new one up later today from the Mint of Gdansk, with another early next week. A neat new Dante coin will also debut, as well as something new from two of our favourite producers. There’ll be a new PEZ issue and Ken will be coming! Another guide will be getting updated as there are new entrants to the series it covers, three in fact, including an all new type. Busy, busy.


The first of the South African Mint’s second run through the famous ‘Big Five’ animals kicks off with the Elephant.

We missed this one on release, but we’ve expanded the guide of Series I to a third page to include this series as well, including the new sets and the new goid and silver sizes. A very nice coin.


The eighth coin in a twelve coin series, this is the fourth and last issue of 2021, with the final four coming next year. Really nice and popular series. in both gold and silver.

The guide has images of all variants issued to date and is now fully up to date.


While this is a neat series, the volume and regularity of release means getting up the enthusiasm to write about them is becoming increasingly difficult. They are very popular, so on we plod, fortunately by adding to what is our most comprehensive coin series profile.

The latest pair are a Christmas-themed ‘Gingerbread Man’, and another Harry Potter issue. The latter is Potter himself, again, with the mint double-dipping on the character like they did with the recent ‘Batman Flying’ coin.


Christmas Wonderland and the Hourglass coins have been added to our guide to this long-running Perth Mint series.

This is quite an unusual range, so you might want to have a look for the sake of curiosity.


We failed to add this one to our Coin Series Profile of Powercoin’s superb ‘Eternal Sculptures’ series, but that oversight has now been rectified.

A beautiful coin and a fitting end to the series.

By |2021-10-29T13:33:32+01:00October 29th, 2021|Categories: News Nuggets, Site Update|0 Comments

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