WHERE TO BUY from our sponsors

As you’re aware, we do have advertisers/sponsors, and we’ve gone to great lengths to ensure only coin sellers or producers appear on AgAuNEWS. We’ve studiously avoided the usual Google Ads that throw up everything from coins to lawnmowers and have concentrated on attracting some of the best dealers and mints around the world – all of whom are in keeping with our articles,

We’d like to thank them for their continued support, and I’m not exaggerating when I say without them, this site wouldn’t exist. Below you will see some of the popular mints, and clicking on the toggle you’re interested in will show who sells coins from the different mints. It isn’t comprehensive, of course, but we hope you find this page helpful. I’ve just revised it to format better (the previous manual layout was a nightmare to keep up to date and looking correct), and also added a few more mints to the list.

If you’d like to help AgAuNEWS directly, please feel free to make a donation using the button below. I know most think that sites like this earn small fortunes similar to that accumulated by YouTube vloggers, but I can sincerely assure you that is most definitely NOT the case. Any donation is greatly appreciated, but please don’t feel obligated. We know it’s tough all over. Just enjoy the site.