We’re back at last!

By |2024-05-14T21:04:07+01:00May 14th, 2024|Categories: News Nuggets, Site Update|

We’re back at last! Hi everyone, Firstly, huge apologies for the downtime. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, our host decided to 'upgrade' us to their new server platform, and with just a couple of weeks notice, told us that their new platform had a file limit (inodes) of 250,000 files. Well, we're over [...]

Just a quick update on the site at the moment

By |2024-02-06T21:15:29+00:00February 6th, 2024|Categories: News Nuggets, Site Update|

Just a quick update on the site at the moment As some of you are aware, we attended the World Money Fair in Berlin late last week, and honestly, after three years of not attending (two down to Covid) it was terrific to meet folks again. We saw some quite spectacular issues, many not issuing until later [...]

Our best wishes to all our friends. We hope your 2023 was a great one, and your 2024 will be better. Happy Holidays!

By |2023-12-24T18:22:42+00:00December 24th, 2023|Categories: Site Update|

Our best wishes to all our friends. We hope your 2023 was a great one, and your 2024 will be better. Happy Holidays! Another year has passed, and hopefully, it was a better one for you than the two that came before, It's a markedly different world to the one of just five years ago, and we're [...]

The 12 Guides of Christmas: Number 6 – Fine Art Bi-Metal Max by Precious Metal Collectors

By |2023-12-18T16:48:47+00:00December 18th, 2023|Categories: News Nuggets, Site Update, Precious Metal Collectors, Spectres|

The 12 Guides of Christmas: Number 6 - Fine Art Bi-Metal Max by Precious Metal Collectors Finally hitting the halfway mark with profile number six in our '12 Guides of Christmas', this time we're looking at the Singaporean producer, Precious Metal Collectors, and their extraordinary range of copper-cored coins depicting the works of the [...]

The 12 Guides of Christmas: Number 5 – Dutch Castles Ducats by the Royal Dutch Mint

By |2023-12-14T15:19:11+00:00December 14th, 2023|Categories: News Nuggets, Site Update, Koninklijke Nederlandse|

The 12 Guides of Christmas: Number 5 - Dutch Castles Ducats by the Royal Dutch Mint Profile number five in our '12 Guides of Christmas' is now live, and features the Royal Dutch Mint's 'Dutch Castles' series of silver coins, all produced in the ducat format. This is the successor series to [...]

The 12 Guides of Christmas: Number 4 – Numismatic Icons by CIT Coin Invest

By |2023-12-12T19:31:17+00:00December 12th, 2023|Categories: News Nuggets, Site Update, CIT Coin Invest|

The 12 Guides of Christmas: Number 4 - Numismatic Icons by CIT Coin Invest The fourth of our '12 Guides of Christmas' has just been published, and it covers possibly my favourite series of coins in production today. Numismatic Icons by CIT, is a modern refresh of some of the ancient world's [...]

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