FENG SHUI (2012-2016) by the New Zealand Mint


Feng Shui is an old Chinese philosophical system that aims to harmonise everyone with their surrounding environment. Translating in English to "wind-water", it is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations). The practice of feng shui known to many in the West interprets architecture in metaphoric terms of "invisible forces" that bind the universe, earth, and humanity together, known as qi. As you'd expect, this bring lots of cranks out of the woodwork selling their 'skills' to the gullible, but it's recognised that some of the more general principles [...]

AUREUS by (2014-2017) International Coin House


2014-2017 AUREUS by International Coin House For all the Computer Aided Design, laser-etching, complex finishes and intricate shapes used on modern coins, there’s no finer coin to hold in your hand than something steeped in the history of the greatest empire of the ancient world, Rome. Of those coins the Aureus is amongst the most sought after, both for its relatively large size and for its scarcity, especially prior to the reign of Julius Caesar. The Aureus was valued at 25 silver denarii and was about the same diameter, but heavier due to the differing densities of [...]

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