Bigfoot 1 oz silver coin (2024 Rogue’s Island Mint)

By |2024-08-26T11:34:59+01:00August 23rd, 2024|Categories: Quicklooks, Culture, Coloured, Silver, Niue Island, Rogues Island Mint|

Rogue's Island Mint are showing their fascination for the underbelly of our world's fauna, with a coin depicting one of the most popular cryptids of them all - Bigfoot. This is similar in conccept to Melbourne Coins Fact or Fiction series, which has seen a pair of issues so far, with a Patchwork Platypus, and a [...]

Rogue’s Island Mint joins the food coin genre with the launch of a cleverly shaped donut coin

By |2024-05-21T22:01:03+01:00May 21st, 2024|Categories: Culture, Coloured, Silver, Cameroon, Rogues Island Mint|

Rogue's Island Mint joins the food coin genre with the launch of a cleverly shaped donut coin Of all the genres in modern numismatics, perhaps food has brought the most unusual ideas to the party. We've had scratch-and-sniff pizza, a bowl of instant noodles, Haribo Bears, and a $130,000 fried egg, for example, and now Rogue's [...]

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