Mythical Creatures, Coins Today’s shaped silver series, continues with the three-headed fido, Cerberus

The shaped two-ounce silver range, Mythical Beast’s, continues with the addition of a third release in the series. Cerberus, the three-headed dog with a serpents tail, that in Greek mythology, guarded the entrance to the underworld to prevent the dead from leaving. Also called the Hound of Hades, he was sired by the monsters Echidna and Typhon, and was captured by Heracles in the last of his twelve labours of legend.

This is a silver miniature, not a denominated coin, or one of Coins Today’s many stackable bullion releases. Cerberus continues at two-ounces, like the previous Griffin issue, but an ounce smaller than the dragon that kicked off the series. Like before, Cerberus is antique-finished, but on one side, is partially coloured. The mix of dragon colouration and canine fur is transitioned very well.

As before, this one comes complete with a marble-style pedestal, with a Greek ionic-style top, onto which the Cerberus can stand, in its capsule, or possibly without, if the image below is accurate. Another fine-looking design, a one that’s quite different to the competition, especially in the display stands. Available to order now.


Undenominated 62.2 g of 0.999 silver 100 x 54 mm Antique, Colour 1,500