Code of the Future silver coin series is back (to the future?) with Immortality the subject

It’s been a long time coming, but the Mint of Poland has finally gotten around to issuing the third of its cool Code of the Future silver coins. Launching back in 2016, the series showcases aspects of the future of humanity, some very much in the consciousness of this current generation. The first issue, dated 2016, chose Artificial Intelligence as its theme, and this was followed up in 2017 by the Speed of Light.

There’s a common artistic style to these coins, with the reverse face full of bright futuristic colouration employing fluorescent ink technology. Each coin has an obverse that is fully customised to the choice of theme, despite having to include the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II (these are issued for the Commonwealth state of Niue Island).

The third and latest issue looks at Immortality, that Holy Grail for some, but in reality a nightmare for this planet if ever brought to fruition with the attitudes we have to life today. A fine looking, almost modernised and three-dimensional version of Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, looks up to the sky while the background is filled with a mix of a geometric tunnel like pattern, along with reminders of mans mortality. The fluorescent look is very striking. It’s a fine looking composition and the best in the series to date.

The obverse features a depiction of the very building blocks of life – DNA. We’re going to assume that it’s human, but as QEII is also depicted here, it might be alien lizard…;-) Just 500 of this rimless, high-relief two-ounce silver coin will be minted. It does of course, come boxed with a certificate of authenticity, and we’d expect it to be shipping before years end. We think it’s great to see this series back after an extended hiatus and we hope it continues. Be sure to check out the website of the Mint of Gdansk, the official distributor, for release prices and dates as they become available.


Immortality is eternal life, being exempt from death; unending existence. Some modern species may possess biological immortality.

Certain scientists, futurists, and philosophers have theorized about the immortality of the human body, with some suggesting that human immortality may be achievable in the first few decades of the 21st century. Other advocates believe that life extension is a more achievable goal in the short term, with immortality awaiting further research breakthroughs. The absence of aging would provide humans with biological immortality, but not invulnerability to death by disease or physical trauma; although mind uploading could solve that if it proved possible. Whether the process of internal endoimmortality is delivered within the upcoming years depends chiefly on research in the former view and perhaps is an awaited goal in the latter case.

In religious contexts, immortality is often stated to be one of the promises of God (or other deities) to human beings who show goodness or else follow divine law. What form an unending human life would take, or whether an immaterial soul exists and possesses immortality, has been a major point of focus of religion, as well as the subject of speculation and debate.


Life extension technologies promise a path to complete rejuvenation. Cryonics holds out the hope that the dead can be revived in the future, following sufficient medical advancements. While, as shown with creatures such as hydra and planarian worms, it is indeed possible for a creature to be biologically immortal, it is not known if it is possible for humans.

Mind uploading is the transference of brain states from a human brain to an alternative medium providing similar functionality. Assuming the process to be possible and repeatable, this would provide immortality to the computation of the original brain, as predicted by futurists such as Ray Kurzweil.

Some scientists believe that boosting the amount or proportion of telomerase in the body, a naturally forming enzyme that helps maintain the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes, could prevent cells from dying and so may ultimately lead to extended, healthier lifespans. A team of researchers at the Spanish National Cancer Centre (Madrid) tested the hypothesis on mice. It was found that those mice which were genetically engineered to produce 10 times the normal levels of telomerase lived 50% longer than normal mice. (Wikipedia)

COMPOSITION 0.999 silver
WEIGHT 62.27 grams
FINISH Antique
MODIFICATIONS Colour, fluorescent ink
BOX / C.O.A. Yes / Yes