Some new updates, a new post style and an apology
First of all, apologies for the downtime over the last day. Our host had some server maintenance planned that should have interrupted the site for just a few minutes. Apparently, things didn’t go to plan and a multitude of sites went down, including AgAuNEWS and stayed down for much of the day. Fortunately, everything seems to be back to normal, but we will keep monitoring it and make a change if necessary.
The sharp eyed amongst you will have noticed the changes to the front page and the addition of a new QUICKLOOKS option on the menu. As you’re aware, many coin series are quite alike, and finding something new to write about each issue in that series is increasingly difficult, and no doubt boring for many. The Quicklooks format is comprised of simple one-image posts that let us cover the new issue and increase our overall coverage, while still leaving more time to increase variety. The three latest Quicklooks will be visible on the front page, with the whole archive on the menu link. Please let me know how you get on with it and what you think. It’s still being tweaked. Just click the image and a small window opens up with a short post.
A few new Bullion Profiles have been published, including a bigger one covering the multitude of small Scottsdale Mint series currently on the go. More are coming. I’ve also slightly revamped the page by combining gold and silver into one and having the article titles visible without relying on the mouseover effect. It’s fully sortable by metal and continent of issue. A VE Day roundup has also been added to the Thematic Coin Profiles. I’m still debating whether to continue with the Lunar coin guides or not. Some feedback on popularity would be appreciated. If they’re wanted, I may transfer the format over to the style used for the VE Day guide and then just cover the more interesting coins as part of the usual news cycle again.
Everything is good here and I hope the same is true for you all. The lockdown is weighing heavily and the Mrs is handling being locked up with me better than I thought she would. I had visions of it being like Inspector Clouseau and his sidekick Kato, by now… The new PC has made life more reliable and less frustrating. A monitor has been ordered, but waiting on stock. After the summer I intend to start doing some coin videos again, and we have a small 3D printer coming in August which is meant to make them a bit more attractive. More soon.
Stay safe and try to find some pleasure in all of the chaos. All the best,
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