Last years beautiful silver bullion representation of St Michael’s sword is joined by an even more stunning Sword of St. Gabriel
To say we were impressed by the Sword of St. Michael last year would’ve been a bit of an understatement. It was a fully dimensional, beautifully detailed depiction of a sword, covered with a feathered band (to represent the angel’s wings), and carrying along the length of the blade on both sides, the prayer to Saint Michael. There’s an image at the bottom.
This year, Coins Today has brought the concept to another of the big hitters in the Bible, the archangel Gabriel, and it’s another really striking piece of art. The blade has strong hints of the Roman Gladus, but the handle is quite unique. The feathered motif returns to form an exquisite guard, and the hilt, both the grip and the pommel, are absolutely stuffed with fine detail. Along the blade, spread over both edges, is reproduced the Commemoration of Saint Gabriel the Archangel.
A quite stunning piece, it continues to reinforce our opinion that this South Korean producer pushes boundaries in unique directions, and does so with startling aplomb. Like the first issue, this is formed in 2.5 ounces of 0.999 silver, and is antique finished. It is supplied encapsulated, and has a mintage of 15,000 pieces. This looks to be shaping up to be a superb series.
Gabriel is a core part of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity), and is said to be the archangel that brings the word of God to man. He remains one of the most powerful figures in the Bible, and the Quran, although his exploits differ in the details between them.
Commemoratio Sancti Gabrielis Archangeli
Princeps gloriosissime,Gabriel Archangele,
esto memor nostri:
hic et ubique semper precare pro nobis Filium Dei,
alleluia, alleluia.
Commemoration of Saint Gabriel the Archangel
O most glorious Prince, Gabriel the Archangel,
be mindful of us, here and everywhere:
pray always unto the Son of God for us,
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Undenominated | 77.75 g of 0.999 silver | 170.0 x 44.5 mm | Antique | 15,000 |
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