Bullion coins from Australasia and the Pacific
TOKELAU SEALIFE (2014-) by APMEX/Highland Mint
Mik Woodgate2024-05-12T18:04:59+01:00TOKELAU SEALIFE (2014-) by APMEX/Highland Mint A twelve-coin bullion series that issues a single design every year, Tokelau Sealife debuted in 2014 to a mixed reception. Buyers seemed to like the design, but there were soon comments regarding the quality of the prooflike coin circulating around the forums. This resulted in a change to a satin finish, seen as a way of minimising the look of flaws. Fortunately, the series quality picked up rapidly, keeping the satin finish until 2020. Fortunately, the series, which looks at sealife around the Oceanic island nation Tokelau, has [...]