The New Zealand Mint has launched its new website and it’s a huge improvement on the clunky one of old. It’s now much easier to navigate and buy, especially since they’ve also moved to accept PayPal. That’s all well and good, but new websites are popping up everywhere at the moment and while usually something to appreciate, not anything to get excited about. New coins are…
Probably the most prolific issuers of licensed coins, the New Zealand Mint has had some pretty good success with coins featuring the worlds of Doctor Who, Disney, The Terminator, Star Wars, and now Thunderbirds. A new teaser on their new website tells us one of these is being revisited, and with the mint being tied to Disney, and Disney now owning the rights to Lucasfilm properties, we wouldn’t be surprised if you’d already guessed Star Wars was the one. So a galaxy that’s far, far away is appearing on coins from a country in the middle of nowhere…
Star Wars as a movie series was loved by millions upon millions of people, and remains so despite the lower quality of Episodes I-III released from 1999 onwards. In December this year, admired director and reinvigorator of the new Star Trek movies, J.J.Abrams, will debut the first in a whole host of new movies and to say hopes are high that the beloved movies will finally get the sequel they deserve, is probably the biggest understatement you’ll hear this decade.
The previous coins issued back in 2011 and 2012 were packaged in some pretty cool boxes, Darth Vaders helmet for the Dark Side, and two sets in the Millenium Falcon for the Goodies. Not huge hits, the coins themselves were fairly unadventurous, this time we feel the mint will really make the effort and produce something special. What that is will remain a mystery for now as the contents of the film are largely unknown, but lets hope its not just more coloured silver coins.
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