New updates to guides and profiles including plenty of new lunars
We’ve been busy keeping our numerous Superguides and Coin Series Profiles up to date and have added plenty of new coins in their respective articles:
- The 2019 Koala has been added to the guide. It’s still too early to issue definitive mintages for the 2018 coins yet, but that will come early next year.
- The 2019 Shengxiao Lunar from the Royal Mint has been added to its guide. No video yet, and there may not be as the artist has changed.
- The Lunar Series I guide has been tidied up. There were some unwanted format issues, but it should be fixed now. Lunar Series II guide soon.
- The Church of the Holy Sepulchre has joined the guide to Numiscollect’s Sacred Art series.
- The Metal Banknotes summary page has some new additions.
The Superguide to the Year of the Pig coin releases is in that stage where it will grow rapidly. We’ve added Disney Luanrs, new ranges of commemoratives from the Royal Australian Mint and the Royal Mint. The Royal Mint bullion range, as well as that from Perth are also in there. The Tokelau mirror issue and the Rwandan range is also new. Over the next week we’ll be adding plenty more. The Monnaie de Paris range, some more Canadian issues, the Palau trilogy, and the first batch of Perth Mint commemoratives, shoulds all see inclusion, alongside others. We’re waiting for decent images in the case of some of them (looking at you Paris…).
We’ve laid off new profiles for a while, but it’s time for a few more, so if you have suggestions, we’ll take them on board. Some are in progress already, but there’s always room for more. Back later with another exclusive from the Mint of Poland.
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