Lots on updates to our guides, including rewrites of some older ones

Just a quick update to keep you informed of what we’re doing outside the regular news articles. We’ve been updating some of our Coin Series Profiles (CSP) with new releases, and completely revamping others. It goes without saying that the infamous Chibi CSP has been updated, but it’s the revamps we’re most pleased with.

Treasures of Stanislaw August has always been a site favourite, but the early nature of the CSP and its tabbed layout did not play well with the newer front-end editor we use now, so it wasn’t updated previously. We bit the bullet, and completely refreshed it, and we’re super-pleased with it now. We have the same issue with Scottsdale Mint’s Biblical Series, with its dozens of issues, so we have that to look forward to. Great… Likewise, another favourite, Art Mint’s Mandala Art, has been revamped to the new look, as well as Enduring Soldiers by the NBP, Coca-Cola Bottlecaps by Crown Mint, and more are planned.

We’re back on the news tomorrow, with a pretty new nature coin, but we’ll continue to chip away at both revamping the older profiles, and adding new ones. We still want to get the photoshoots on the go again, aided with some resin-printed models, but I’m just waiting for an eye operation to make that practical, and then all will be good.
