The second movie in the franchise, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets premiered in 2002 and was based on the 1998 novel by J. K. Rowling. It went on to gross over $879m, beaten in 2002 only by The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. It tells the story of Potters second year at Hogwarts and the opening of the Chamber of Secrets, unleashing a monster within the school.
The NZ Mint has long issued its rectangular one-ounce coins that reproduce some of the biggest franchised movie posters around. The Star Wars series has already worked its way through the three trilogies, and the first movie, Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone (ridiculously replacing Philosopher with Sorceror for the US market), has already had a release. These are 53 x 36 mm fine silver coins, with a colour reproduction of the main poster on one face. Beautifully presented in the acrylic frame, it has a mintage of 5,000 and a retail price around $85.00 USD. Available from today.
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