Running since 2017 and meant to hit 22 issues when complete, ‘The Enduring Soldiers Accursed by the Communists’ is the snappy title of a serious set of coins looking at the heroes in Poland that fought, many giving their lives, against the Soviet Union after the Second World War. The Polish people went through hell in WWII, but got liitle respite afterwards as they were left under the influence of Stalin’s Communist Party apparatus.
The coin series highlights many of the figures and groups that fought back, ultimately to no avail and does so with a variety of designs on ½ (std) oz of sterling silver . This new one, due to ship from 27th August, commemorates the 75th anniversary of WiN, the “Freedom and Independence” Association, which was a successor to the Polish Home Army. Just seven years after its formation, it was infiltrated and broken up,.
As one of our Quicklooks, there isn’t a mass of space here for more information, but that’s because we have a full Coin Series profile of the range where you can see full details of all the issues to date, including this one, so head on over for a good read about this traumatic period. Another issue in this series is due in November.
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