Early August updates
As per usual, we’re keeping guides up to date where possible and a few have had the revisions needed. Those BULLION PROFILES for AllCollects ‘Predators’ (multiple additions), Scottsdales ‘Eastern Caribbean 8‘ (Dominica added), Scottsdale’s Limited (Marlin, Trident added) and the NZ Mint’s ‘Star Wars’ (Mandalorian Mythosaur added) have been expanded.
Some COIN SERIES PROFILES have also seen updates, like ‘History of Polish Coin’, ‘Enduring Soldiers Accursed by the Communists, and ‘Biblical Stories’. We’ll be updating ‘Evolution of Life’,and ‘Tiffany Art’ (not as dead as we thought…) soon.
You might have noticed a new logo. The old one looked, well, old, so I knocked this one up. Not my forte and it needs tweaking, but I’m happy with it for now. It’s been a busy 48 hours, and it’s time for a break. Despite my saying I was taking a few days off in my Early July updates post, a quick look at the site dates will see it didn’t happen. Time to recharge for a few days and give the old brain a rest. We’re expecting a heat wave over the next few days as well, so not stuck in front of a PC will be nice and give me time to catch up with The Umbrella Academy.
Despite what you may think, this site is in no way a printer of money, so if you’d like to donate, it is genuinely much appreciated. I’ve got plans for later this year, with more photoshoots and videos to mix things up a bit, especially as I’m finally pretty happy with the site layout, aided by the new Quicklooks which free me up from having to write more involved articles where unnecessary. Stay safe and enjoy, and feel free to leave comments, opinions and suggestions.
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