Pobjoy Mint wraps up its stylised African Big Five high relief silver coin series with the Cape Buffalo
The African Big Five are a relatively popular choice of subject for nature coins over the last few years. Not common, but not rare. It’s easy to see why given these are the beasts that are considered the most dangerous to hunt. The Lion, Leopard, Rhino and Elephant are obvious candidates. You don’t have to dig below the surface to see these animals are all easily capable of turning a live human into a dead one. The fifth member of the Big Five is the Cape Buffalo. Now this is a character you really don’t want to annoy…
Yes, it’s a bovine, although not related to the domesticated cow, and a big one. Tipping the scales at up to a ton in weight, and with a fused boney plate bearing a pair of substantial horns, this is physically an intimidating animal. Outside of Prides of Lions and the largest of crocodiles, nothing really gets in the way of the Cape Buffalo. Mainly, it’s not the intimidating presence that makes it so feared, but a personality that seems to comprise a mean streak a mile wide. It’s estimated they kill over 200 people every year.
Pobjoy have been releasing a series of two-ounce high relief silver coins throughout the year, each one featuring a member of the Big Five club. The series is now wrapping up with the launch of the Cape Buffalo coin. These are coins with an unusual artistic style. Taking the form of what we’d describe as ‘stylised wood carvings’, they depict the animals portrait as if it were a tribal mask. Struck in high-relief, but with the inscriptions and border pattern incused, they’re quite unlike anything else out there.
Issued for Sierra Leone, that African nations coat of arms dominates the obverse, and it’s a fitting companion to the subject. Each coin is displayed in one of the solid acrylic block frames that we like so much, but there’s also an optional box that holds all five coins in a more traditional way (£25 +vat). prices are reasonable for the format, coming in at a tad under £100 +vat per coin. We haven’t seen one in hand unfortunately, but the official images are not great, and unlikely to show the actual coin in its true light. Available now, this is something a little different from the norm and all the better for it.
Pobjoy Mint are thrilled to announce the final coin in the stunning collection of five featuring the Big Five African Animals. The concluding coin features the unpredictable Buffalo. Issued on behalf of Sierra Leone, these magnificent coins are produced in High Relief that accentuate the capacity of these iconic five African Animals.
If you are planning a trip to Africa these iconic Big Five animals are the ones that come to mind quickly, they are magnificent in strength and presence and will capture the imagination of any Safari trip. The term ‘the Big 5’ was originally created by game hunters to represent the most difficult game to hunt but thankfully when you go on a safari these days the only item you will be pointing at the magnificent animals is a camera.
The fifth and final coin in the series features the Buffalo, the only animal of the Big 5 not to be endangered. There are millions across the world, particularly of the water Buffalo variety used commonly for preparing land for farming purposes and carrying heavy loads.
The African Buffalo is a slightly different species to the domesticated Buffalo. Used to fight off predators such as Lions and Crocodiles, they can be wild and unpredictable. They are considered by many to be the most dangerous of the Big Five to game hunters, with wounded animals likely to ambush and attack the hunter.
The coin has been produced in stunning High Relief in 2oz Fine silver. The coin features the head and horns of the Buffalo looking on with purpose. The special incused rim features an African pattern to continue the theme. This is the final coin in the 2019 series of the Big 5 and is a must have to complete this impressive collection.
DENOMINATION | $20 (Sierra Leone) |
COMPOSITION | 0.999 silver |
WEIGHT | 62.21 grams |
DIMENSIONS | 50.0 mm |
FINISH | Proof |
MODIFICATIONS | High-relief |
MINTAGE | 500 |
BOX / COA | Yes / Yes |
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