The Ancient Chinese legend of the Eight Immortals is the inspiration for the Carpathian Mint’s latest release

By |2022-10-07T19:08:23+01:00October 7th, 2022|Categories: Art & Literature, Culture, Coloured, Carpathian Mint, Niue Island|

The Ancient Chinese legend of the Eight Immortals is the inspiration for the Carpathian Mint's latest release After several years of high activity, it's been a little quieter in the coin world on the Chinese mythology front of late. There are still a couple of series in progress, and Precious Metal Collectors have an extremely eclectic [...]

Exclusive! Carpathian Mint debuts ‘Memory’, its first coin in a series looking at the end of human civilisation

By |2022-06-20T14:57:34+01:00June 20th, 2022|Categories: Culture, Coloured, Silver, Carpathian Mint, Niue Island|

Exclusive! Carpathian Mint debuts 'Memory', its first coin in a series looking at the end of human civilisation Isn't it strange how one of the things we find the most interesting is our own demise? Numerous TV shows like The Walking Dead, Westworld, and The 100, movies like Mad Max, Armageddon, and Wall-E, as well as [...]

World exclusive! The Carpathian Mint launches, with a fine Jules Verne inspired, “Around the World in 80 Days” silver coin

By |2022-05-24T10:16:33+01:00May 24th, 2022|Categories: Art & Literature, Coloured, Silver, Carpathian Mint, Niue Island|

World exclusive! The Carpathian Mint launches, with a fine Jules Verne inspired, "Around the World in 80 Days" silver coin Born of a collaboration between Silver Coins Europe, and Pela Coins, the Carpathian Mint launches today, with its first new coin release. There's certainly a great heritage between these two producers. Pela are responsible for many fine [...]

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