History of Polish Coin 16: Copper Grosz of King Stanislaw August silver coin (2024 National Bank of Poland)

By |2024-08-20T20:35:32+01:00August 20th, 2024|Categories: Quicklooks, History, Copper, Politics & Finance, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

Poland's national bank has a fine portfolio of coins taking inspiration from this Central European nation's long and eventful past. At times a major European power, Poland also has a significant history in the world of numismatics. A fine example of this is one of our all-time favourite series, Treasures of Stanislaw August, and another is this [...]

Enduring Soldiers 17: Zygmunt Szendzielarz ‘Lupaszka’ silver coin (2024 National Bank of Poland)

By |2024-02-27T12:26:09+00:00February 27th, 2024|Categories: Quicklooks, Coloured, Military, People, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

A long-running series from the National Bank of Poland, 'Enduring Soldiers Accursed by the Communists' is a celebration of the freedom fighters that gave their lives fighting the Soviet Union immediately after the end of the Second World War. Today sees the issue of the 17th coin in the series - Zygmunt Szendzielarz 'Lupaszka'. Each half-ounce sterling [...]

Enduring Soldiers “Warszyc” silver coin (2023 National Bank of Poland)

By |2023-08-31T17:27:53+01:00August 31st, 2023|Categories: Quicklooks, History, Coloured, Military, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

A long-running series at the Narodowy Bank (National Bank of Poland), its full title is The Enduring Soldiers Accursed by the Communists, and it remembers the soldiers in Poland that continued the fight against the Communists after the Second World War. Surprisingly, few have much knowledge of this period, which was mainly clouded by the celebrations [...]

Treasures of Stanislaw August: Stanisław Leszczyński gold/silver medals (2023 Narodowy Bank)

By |2023-01-16T19:03:45+00:00January 16th, 2023|Categories: Quicklooks, History, Coloured, Military, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

In our view, one of the finest numismatic series of the last few years, the National Bank of Poland's 'Treasures of Stanislaw August' reproduces a series of medallions commissioned by the Polish King at the time, Stanisław August Poniatowski.  They feature a selection of kings and queens of Poland, with a few notable exceptions (he didn't like some [...]

The National Bank of Poland offers a set of six silver coins reproducing the nations current circulating banknotes

By |2022-06-23T17:04:25+01:00June 23rd, 2022|Categories: Politics & Finance, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

The National Bank of Poland offers a set of six silver coins reproducing the nations current circulating banknotes Money is always a popular theme on money, with some excellent modern numismatic series available today, that pay homage to the past. Possibly the finest of them, CIT's 'Numismatic Icons' series, is a cutting-edge example, but there are [...]

30th Anniversary of the Polish Border Guard silver coin (2022 Narodowy Bank)

By |2022-05-09T20:43:30+01:00May 9th, 2022|Categories: Quicklooks, Coloured, Military, Politics & Finance, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

First deployed on 16 May 1991, the Polish Border Guard is tasks with securing the territorial integrity of this Central European nation. Few nations in Europe have had the tumultuous history that Poland has, not just through the 20th century, but for hundreds of years before that. The land and sea border of Poland is currently 3,511 km in [...]

Latest issue in the Polish ‘Enduring Soldiers Accursed by the Communists’ released

By |2021-02-10T16:03:09+00:00February 10th, 2021|Categories: Quicklooks, History, Coloured, People, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

Just a heads up that the latest issue in the fascinating, if over-named 'The Enduring Soldiers Accursed by the Communists'  from the National Bank of Poland is now out. The half-ounce sterling silver series has been running since 2017 and is struck to a proof finish with just a simple red highlight on the reverse face. The [...]


By |2020-12-09T07:29:57+00:00December 9th, 2020|Categories: Quicklooks, History, Coloured, Military, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

As well as the Enduring Soldiers series we looked at earlier today, another long-running favourite of the National Bank of Poland, 'Treasures of Stanislaw August' has also seen a new addition. In this case, it is the 17th of 24 coins that make up this beautiful series. They are quite unique in being reproductions of an actual [...]


By |2020-12-09T03:27:05+00:00December 9th, 2020|Categories: Quicklooks, History, Coloured, Military, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

A quick heads-up that the latest coin in the National bank of Poland's long-running 'Enduring Soldiers Accursed by the Communists' is now available. We've been following this series for some time, including a Coin Series Profile, not because they are boundary-pushing coins, or even anything particularly unusual numismatically, but because the subject matter is so compelling. The [...]


By |2020-08-03T21:11:14+01:00August 3rd, 2020|Categories: Quicklooks, History, Coloured, Silver, Narodowy Bank, Poland|

Running since 2017 and meant to hit 22 issues when complete, 'The Enduring Soldiers Accursed by the Communists' is the snappy title of a serious set of coins looking at the heroes in Poland that fought, many giving their lives, against the Soviet Union after the Second World War. The Polish people went through hell in WWII, [...]

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