Pobjoy Mint’s selection of Big Cat coins adds to the litter with the third issue in it’s 2oz proof silver series. Launched early this year with a Lion design, and followed up by one featuring the Cheetah, the latest entrant depicts a Panther. The style of these are quite distinctive and consistent – showing a portrait view of the animal in profile. Very nicely realised, they seem to exhibit a surprising level of depth with the high-relief strike. We find the inscriptions a little over-large, but that’s a minor quiblle in what looks to be a good-looking coin.
Issued for Sierra Leone, that African nations coat of arms fills the obverse face and is a very appropriate choice given its use of two rampant and one heraldic lions in the composition. Presentation of the 500 mintage issue is excellent, with the use of a solid-block acrylic display frame. A themed outer shipper and a Certificate of Authenticity round out the package. Selling for just under £100 pre-tax, it should ship from next week and will be followed later in the year by two more coins – the Tiger, and the Cougar.
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