The fifth of six in the 2015 set called ‘Biblical Stories’ has been launched by the Scottsdale Mint in the United States and as usual they’re an antique finish, rimless, high-relief series and this one continues on after, Exodus, The Crucifixion of Jesus, David and Goliath, and the Ten Commandments. All are closely based on the artwork from celebrated 19th century wood engraving specialist, Gustave Doré.
Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré was a French artist, illustrator, printmaker and sculptor who worked primarily with wood engraving. Doré was a prolific artist and his bible series first published in 1865 numbered several hundred illustrations in total. The fifth coin is based on the legend of Death riding a pale horse, and like the previous coins is another fine example of Doré’s extensive Biblical woodcarvings. The obverse continues to use what we think is the superior Maklouf image of Elizabeth II over the later Broadley version and the laser-etched serial number on the rim that matches the certificate remains. It’s a pretty cool design this time around, and sure to find many admirers.
Sold exclusively through APMEX in the US, the coin again retails for $179.99. The first coin ihas finally sold out, but the second and the the third remains available at $179.99 for the moment, but we wouldn’t rule out rises. A nice six-coin collectors box is out as well and looks a good way to collate a 2015 series. Made of leather and styled like a book, it looks a beautiful piece and sells for $74.99. A fitting way to hold the collection.
Revelation, the final book of the Bible, notes the end of days. In Revelation 6:7-8, John tells of the dreadful events that will bring a terrible end to the world as we know it. He speaks of “a horse whose color was pale green. Its rider was named Death, and his companion was the Grave.”
Gustave Doré depicted this very image in the 1860s with his wood carving of the “The Vision of Death.” The artwork features a majestic horse coming from the heavens carrying a fearsome figure cloaked in a flowing robe, followed by a host of demonic creatures. Utilizing skilled craftsmen and great attention to detail, the creative team at the U.S.-based Scottsdale Mint designed this .999 fine Silver piece to reflect the image on Doré’s original piece of artwork.
“The Pale Horse of the Apocalypse coin is arguably the most haunting coin in the series yet,” APMEX Vice President of Merchandising Andrew Martineau said. “This striking piece covers a broad audience: not only those collecting the series or interested in biblical coins but those people who have an interest in apocalyptic prophecies and menacing subject matter.”
The Pale Horse is the fifth of a six-coin series being released in 2015 and has a limited mintage of 1,499 coins, slotting it to be categorized as a collector’s item. Each coin comes with a certificate of authenticity telling the story of the coin and its minting specifications and lists a unique serial number that matches the laser-etched number on the coin. The certificate also features Doré’s artwork the design was based off. The coin has been issued by the Scottsdale Mint by the authority of the island of Niue, where it is legal tender.
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