AgAuNEWS summer holidays and what’s coming next week: UPDATED

Hi all. Just to let you know that we’re taking a couple of weeks for a holiday. I usually end up doing a bit while I’m off, but this time it’s going to be a full recharge. The main reason for that, and the explanation for why we’re down a little on posting over the last two or three months (not dramatically, but It has been the case), is on Wednesday I finally have my first eye operation.

I generally keep personal stuff personal, but I’m also acutely aware that AgAuNEWS is a one-man band, so I do feel obligated to keep you informed. The op isn’t serious (just a cataract, that’s come early because of LASIK surgery many years ago), but it will help fix the blurriness that’s made working on site harder and less enjoyable. The second eye should be in a month or two.

However, I’ve managed to mitigate some of the dead time by reaching out to a few producers, who have willingly obliged with some early information on releases for the ANA/Summer. As a result, I can work over the next few days to prep some posts for later next week, and give you something to read and spend money on. There are some real beauties again.

As for the Maltese Eagle bullion coin giveaway, the winner didn’t get back to us, so the second draw will get it. Congrats to Joe K, I’ll email you later. Thank you all for reading and understanding. Everything else is good here, and we’re rapidly approaching 10 years old on September 1st! It’s been a good ride. Have a great weekend all.

UPDATE: All went well, and is much improved. If I had a rifle, I could shoot the happy sacs off a fly at 20 paces… One eye down and one to go. Thank you for all the messages. As you can tell, the holiday hasn’t started, mainly because the timing sucked, but after a post or two tomorrow, we’re off for two weeks, to give the eye, and the brain some time to recuperate. Thanks for sticking with the site over the last few months when I wasn’t firing on all cylinders. Take care.
